Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"
Throughout the film "Agent Carter", you can see multiple different uses of the 4 techniques of filming: camera angles, shots, movement, and composition, editing styles, sound usage, and the elements of mise-en-scene. All of these are constructed in one way or another to put together this film and many others.
Right from the beginning of this clip you can instantly hear a conversation between two characters; later to be known as one of the main dialogues in the Captain America movie. Since this is after the movie had came out, it is safe to say that this is an example of a flashback (Not particularly a "Sonic Flashback" but it was present in the original movie of Captain America) which in effectiveness can give you more room to think about the future of this clip and where it is heading. In addition in this same point in the film (about 30 seconds) you can see an example of Simultaneity (an example of a editing technique) where Agent Carter is speaking to Captain America at the same time he is starting to fly the jet into the ocean. Overall this is an example of direct sound but also in the background it gives an emphasis on the sound of the jet flying down and also the static in the microphone which just proves even further that this would be an example of a direct sound technique. At the same time an element of mise-en-scene is presented by the usage of low-key lighting to show sadness and drab.
Another camera angle within the first minute of the film would be the use of a wide shot inside the jet that Captain America is flying. It shows the expansiveness of the jet however, it also shows the emptiness in the scene; maybe showing how Captain America is sacrificing himself so no one else gets hurt. While at the same time, a eye level shot is held on Agent Carter to show her emotions while there is a slow zoom in to really emphasis the feelings in the scene.
About 2 minutes and 20 seconds in, you can see the discontent in Agent Carter's (Peggy's) eyes as we are given an eye level shot in the beginning however then the shot is lifted ever so slightly maybe to show how this character feels if she is less important to anyone else in the office. At the same time this would be a perfect example of direct sound; while the printers working in the back of the office could serve as background imaging of the character's surroundings.
At around about 3 minutes in this clip you can view a low angle shot, possibly to enlarge the meaning or importance of what is happening in the scene. This is paired with diegetic sound of shuffling boxes and papers while Agent Carter finds the picture of her long lost love. Suddenly around the 3 minutes and 30 second mark you can view very low-key lights to show the time of day, costume outfits that present a very formal yet productive employee, an example of offscreen space (Mise-en-scene) where the alarm is going off, and finally an example of an eye level shot, and examples of leitmotif as a editing technique.
At around the 4 minute mark you can see how there is little to no lighting and really only the shine of the moon (Low-key lighting (Mise-en-scene)) as well as the sound of footsteps which were examples of post synchronization sound because it was at a great distance and would not be able to be heard from the camera angle, showing a version of an Establishing Shot (Camera angle) and Symbolism (Editing). The reason why this is an example of symbolism is the way that this film was portrayed, Agent Carter believes that she can do this field assignment alone and so the way she took this case shows importance.
And finally at the very end of the clip, we can see an example of a reaction shot from the cashier (camera angle/shot), low-key style lighting (Mise-en-scene), non-diegetic sound because of the gunshots and fights between the guards and the Agent, and finally another example of Simultaneity that shows how Agent Carter is hiding while the cashier is slowing trying to find her at the same time.
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