
Movie Opener Final Cut

Evaluation of My Peer Reviews

  What specific elements of the film opening did you like? What specific elements of the film opening did you dislike? Did this look like a movie opener and did it make you want to know what happens next? Explain. Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific) What suggestions do you have to make this movie opener better? The film quality was good and the actors were easy to hear. I like the description prior to the film as well. I dislike the lack of emotion and choppy shots. Josh did not seem truly shocked. When the alien threw the chair, it seemed as if Josh was far behind. The next scene showed that he tripped on the chair. It does look like a movie opened but I do not think more could be added. It seems like a short news report ending with the drunk guys report. There should be hint that further investigation of the alien would be taking place. Nothing left me confused except for the word "mentor" instead of "meteor" at the beginning of the film. You ...

Q3 Week 8- First Draft Movie Opener


Q3 Week 7 -Editing

  Photos of editing: (3) ' Photos of student editing: (1) This week our team mostly focused upon a variety of coverage filming areas, as well as the camera angles between these cuts.  Fonts pretty much are the same whereas it is representative of a scarier and yet unknowing emotion.  Video effects throughout are older and more rustic. However effects are mostly used to create an abandoned look across the schoolyard and thus are made to look like the human is alone and stuck in a situation where they don't want to be in.  Transitions are compared to quick and uninterrupted cuts and transitions, Audio is made to make the diegetic sounds more emphasized due to the lack of talking or dialogue throughout the film opener. This is because there is no set lines used mostly due to the mystery as well as scared mindset of this film. There seemed to be an issue of cuts. As our team wants a quick and somewhat speedy way of transitions. It was a challenge to find parts where we s...

Q3 Week 6 -Editing

  Photo of the Editing process: (3) Photo of our editor: (1) Some titles and fonts that are going to be used are of Sci-Fi origins. This can be exampled by the "Chiller" font and or the "Smack" font. Both of these are exampled in word and give a strange and unknown feeling about them.  Video effects that are used are weather elements such as an older film reel and rustic feel.  Transitions are smooth cuts in between the transition to the human being and the Alien. There are also quick cuts that relive the experience of fear and tension in between the human being and the chase of the Alien.  Audio effects such as a slurred speech of the human, due to the tired nature of the human. Some problems are the cuts in between editing. This can be exampled by the photo of our editor where he is struggling with the hallway scene and creating an in depth scene of all these scenes put together. We basically were able to take all these films and cut them into very small pieces th...

Blog Post 2- Filming 2

 Our second filming day during week 2, was mostly used for positioning and camera angles. We tried to go through a variety of camera shots to show the interesting nature of the alien and the importance of this film opening.  This is our “alien” who will have a mask and suit on during the filming process. However the low angle shot behind the head shows how big and important the alien is to this storyline. Since this is a sci fi scene it is shown by the science of all this filming.