Film Opening Research #2 - Back To The Future 1985
Back To The Future 1985
Movie Opening Scene Link:
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
- There is one for Universal Pictures right in the beginning
- Another for Steven Spielberg
- Another for "A Robert Zemeckis Film"
- And then finally the title slide that represents "Back To The Future"
- There are about 15 other titles that are displayed throughout the playing of this opening scene (mostly showing other creators or people that have worked on this film).
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
- Most of the images show a messy yet very interesting room. This includes multiple owls clocks on the wall, cups and coffee everywhere. But the main theme would definitely be the clocks, each telling a certain time, and these clocks seem to go wherever the camera goes. So this most likely means that this will be a huge part of this movie
What connotations do the images carry?
- Overall however, the theme with the clocks really do add up into the future plot line as well as the representing of the main theme in this film.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
- The genre is mostly reinforced from the mystery of who the main character is with a variety of low angles shots as well as high angles shots that distract from the true nature of the character's identity until the final end of the opening scene.
- The genre is also reinforced by the interesting room set up that definitely shows a sci-fi feels as well as with the mysterious music that is shown throughout the film opening.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
- The only connotations I have about this particular film opening would be about the messy room. The only way I could relate this to the rest of this film opening would be with the character's lack of self respect for his own health or maybe he is just a really busy guy. However, I could be wrong on this and it could show the hasty life of a student that rides his skateboard around.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
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