Film Preparation


    Reid: Film editor and camera man

    Josh: Human 

    Khang: Alien


    As of right now we only need an Alien costume such as a face mask and sliver clothes and then just regular human clothes that a high schooler would wear.


    Props we will need is some type of books that would block the hallway, so that it would cause our main character to trip in the hallway. Other props include just the lockers and possible trash that could be used to show that the school is abandoned. 


    We will need to utilize the courtyard as well as one or two hallways that will prove to be an obstacle for our main human

Dates and times:

    We can really do this during anytime in the day because of the school hours. However, we can add dust effects as well as older filming cameras to make it more rustic.


    Our film opener does not have any lines in it except for the person screaming once he trips. Other then that its all diegetic sounds that will be used to show importance in the film. 

Film equipment:

    We could use a basic horizontal flipped phone camera. However, it would be better to actually get a filming camera. However there is no need for boom mics due to how close the characters will be to the camera shoots.


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